We are continuously looking for likeminded innovators that would like to team up with us to get a step closer in achieving the conversion of the textile value chain from petroleum-based to bio-based.
We are publishing calls for project proposals to invite you to join BIOTEXFUTURE with your research ideas. These calls are a result of the combined expertise of the Steering Committee, the Advisory Board and our members. To ensure we look at the bioeconomy from all angles the Project Management Office (PMO) works closely with the TransitionLab transfer projects.
Partner consortia with a new project idea can apply for funding based on the open calls. The Steering Committee will assess the technical content of these project proposals. The project management organisation Projektträger Jülich (PtJ) is responsible for the formal administrative assessment and final approval. The projects are managed by the PtJ like regular BMBF-funded projects. All project partners must join the BIOTEXFUTURE Innovationsbündnis.

You already have an idea, but need (a) partner(s)? You have competencies that match the current call, but need an idea?
Then, join the BIOTEXFUTURE idea management workshop on December 14th 2021, where you can pitch your idea and/or find your partner(s) for the open call for project proposals.
More detailed information and registration coming soon!

January 14, 2022 at 11:00:00 PM
October 24, 2021
We are looking for projects to extend the innovation space BIOTEXFUTURE. Let’s collaborate to convert the textile industry from petroleum-based to bio-based. The projects will be funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
The interdisciplinary applicants (at least one industrial and one research / university partner) must use agile project management methods. We expect the applicants to continuously provide pre-competitive demonstrators to be used in the “Reallabore” of the accompanying research. These “Reallabore” may include (but are not limited to) living labs, educational workshops, focus groups, social media-enabled interactions, experiments, stakeholder and codesign workshops.
Download the full text for further information.
Templates for all review stages are available by the PMO and must be used during the application process. You can submitt project sketches before the stated deadline. Please get in touch.

Sascha Schriever
Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

March 30, 2021 at 10:00:00 PM
January 18, 2020
November 5, 2020
This call for project proposals is part of the innovation space BIOTEXFUTURE, a 5-year, cross-industry R&D program, funded by the Feder Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), focusing on transforming the textile industry from petroleum-based to bio-based.
The interdisciplinary applicants (at least one industrial and one research / university partner) must use agile project management methods. We expect the applicants to continuously provide pre-competitive demonstrators to be used in the “Reallabore” of the accompanying research. These “Reallabore” may include (but are not limited to) living labs, educational workshops, focus groups, social media-enabled interactions, experiments, stakeholder and codesign workshops.
Download the full text for further information.